Conscious Living

Leigh LaRue
4 min readSep 14, 2020

From Durango, CO on 09/13/20 by Leigh LaRue

There’s a world all around us that most can’t see, or even fathom for that matter. A world of nature spirits and elementals silently keep our natural world in balance as much as they can when humans or Mother Nature herself aren’t interfering. With all the wildfires devastating our landscapes my heart not only goes out to displaced individuals and families but also to the millions of trees, blades of grass, insects, and animals that we rely on even more than we know.

I’m reading a book called ‘Nature Spirits’ & Elemental Beings’ by Marko Pogacnik. He shares his experiences communicating with these spirits, the images he’s shown, and the understanding he receives during his mediation sessions. He also teaches how anyone can communicate with, help, and heal these spirits who are in distress. When a branch is cut off a tree, when a plant dies, or a river dries up, the elementals that entered these life forms are left feeling confused and in pain. The energy flow of that branch or river is adversely affected, blocked, or completely halted. Someone who has the sensitivity and training can connect with these elementals and ‘re-home’ them to another tree, river, plant, and so on. This ends the suffering and enables them to continue serving as intended. They made lifelong pacts to care for, direct, and protect these forms and cannot exit them unless/until the form dies. But sometimes they don’t know how to leave, so they suffer in silence.

I’m still reading this book, and I so highly recommend it to anyone whose heart is connected to our sentient world and who is aware enough to know that we would not be here without it. I’m reading it on Kindle, but I believe you can also purchase a physical copy if you wish.

Since I’m traveling, I had planned on driving through many of these areas that are currently burning. It saddens me on such a deep level that not only may I have to postpone that part of my travels but that our beautiful earth is simply not going to be the same for a very, very, very long time. Our future generations may not get to enjoy our precious planet as we have.

There are some things we can’t control, at least after the fact, but there are so many things we can all be doing to respect our earth more than we have been. It kills me inside to even see litter floating along our streets and in our waters. How much trouble is it to find a trashcan? And, I am so guilty of frivolously buying pre-packaged foods, plastic water bottles, and drive-through foods. What if we bought bulk and brought our own reusable containers? What if we all had a Berkey water filter to filter the most disgusting of tap waters or even pond and lake water? What if we committed ourselves to cooking at home a lot more or entirely? We’d be so much healthier, more at peace, and we’d be doing our part for our dear planet and all the life on it.

We’re all too aware of the never-ending plastic bottles, straws and other waste drifting in our oceans and killing sea life. Unfortunately, living in America, I can’t see the majority of us giving up our cars that require oil. I did learn that at least Diesel engines have the ability to be converted to run off vegetable oil. Sadly, I became aware of this right after buying my van! When and where possible, carpooling and taking the bus or train surely can help us help our planet. And, we could just stop over-consuming. Just how much stuff do we all need?? I’m not pointing fingers, as I too love to shop. But, I shop A LOT less than most, and I had to downsize tremendously for my van life. I ended up giving away most of what belongings I still owned after all the loss I had already experienced over the last handful of years. I’ve always been a minimalist to some degree, but now I can really see that we do not need most of what we have. We do not need to hoard, as the universe provides for each of us, as we need it, if we are in a place of trust and are open to receiving.

My personal goal is to have a small off-grid cabin in the woods and learn to live as self-reliantly as possible and would love to share part of the land with others if it’s sizable enough. The idea of living multi-generationally in the same house or on the same land and sharing responsibilities such as gardening, cooking, and so on is very appealing. I feel this would greatly benefit all involved and would also allow us to work more in congruence with the land and nature rather than against it. In the meantime, I’ll be researching viable possibilities and solutions in living a more nature-loving lifestyle. It would be great if you all would share your input, ideas, and experiences for the rest of us to learn from. Let’s do a better job of taking care of our planet, so our planet can continue taking care of us!

Originally published at on September 14, 2020.



Leigh LaRue

I’m an artist, tarot reader, and spiritual explorer. I’ll be writing about my personal spiritual unfolding as well as sharing collective tarot messages.