Stay Afloat

Leigh LaRue
2 min readSep 11, 2020

From Durango, CO 09/11/20 by Leigh LaRue

Maybe within all of us lies a higher cause

And until we discover it we are at a loss

Roaming for decades confused and lost

All the tests and trials and broken laws

Addictions, entertainment, and escapes we seek

The hard way we learn they bring no peace

The torture and agony doesn’t cease

Until we hit our valleys and discover our peak

Have faith and hang in there to the bitter end

There’s more for you than there’s ever been

Forgive yourself for the silliness and sin

Keep at it and trust and you will ascend

You may not see it now but you will in time

Once you learn to leave the heartbreak behind

If you look carefully and open your eyes

You’ll see everywhere the obvious signs

Your soul chose to come here, it’s not a trap

We’re here to save the world from internal collapse

Stay strong in your will so not to relapse

Back into oblivion and not giving a crap

You too have a purpose, not just them

Take time to meditate and go within

To hear the call, the plead to begin again

Do not, do not let your light go dim

You are needed here more than you know

Stay strong and keep yourself afloat

You’ll save others in your near-sunken boat

And remember, you were chosen long ago

Originally published at on September 11, 2020.



Leigh LaRue

I’m an artist, tarot reader, and spiritual explorer. I’ll be sharing my personal journal, collective tarot readings, and spiritual how-to’s.